Premium Threat Protection

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Complete protection against malware & always up-to-date

The Premium Threat Protection Pack is a comprehensive, affordable and integrated solution for a zero-trust approach; for 360° cybersecurity to effectively and automatically make the corporate network, users and computer systems cyber-resilient.

Small or large companies are all susceptible to cybercrime. That’s why the Premium Threat Protection Pack is recommended for every environment.
The Pack can be added to any AXS Guard bundle (Basic, Standard or Enterprise).

The Premium Threat Protection Pack consists of several components. These include: 

How does the Threat Protection Pack work?

The Premium Threat Protection Pack includes a number of solutions that are seamlessly geared to one another and work together on several layers. 

It is a critical and necessary extension of the safety systems already present in AXS Guard.

At the heart of every AXS Guard is the next-generation firewall, which makes it possible to give users and systems only the rights that they really need for their work. Think of simple settings such as: “Is this user allowed to browse the internet? Yes or no? Does this user need remote access such as a VPN? Yes/No. Is this user allowed to send and receive emails? Yes/No.” Etc. 

You only allow what you want or have to allow, and then you control that traffic even further with the tools in the Pack.  Zero-trust is a principle that has been applied to every AXS Guard from the very beginning. 

Image threat protection pack

Protect your network, users and computers against phishing and malware
in one carefree package.

Components Premium Threat Protection Pack

1. GeoIP filtering

With GeoIP filtering, you can very easily specify the regions of the world with which you do not want internet traffic.

  • Do you only work in Europe? Then you can easily block ‘the rest of the world’.
  • You don’t want to communicate with countries like China or Russia? Then you can exclude them too.
  • ...

2.DNS Security

By checking all DNS requests first and blocking them if necessary, you immediately eliminate many of the risks.

AXS Guard will forward all DNS requests in your network to dedicated SecureDNS servers. These check the domain reputation of requested URLs against various databases and categories. In addition, additional DNS filters can be configured, allowing administrators to exert greater control over the network's DNS resolution process.

  • If the user or system visits a known blocked domain, they will not be able to access that site.
  • If the domain is on the allowed list or is not known to be a threat, the user or system will be granted access. This is fully automatic and super fast; the user does not notice it at all. 
  • ...

» More info about DNS Security

3. Web traffic security

Web traffic (both HTTP and encrypted HTTPS traffic) is monitored by diverse, successive mechanisms.

  • Surf Protection: All web traffic will first pass the AXS Guard web filters. Which sites or which types of sites are allowed or not allowed? It’s easy to exclude gaming, porn, gambling, etc.
  • Or do you only want to allow surfing to specific, permitted sites? That’s also possible. 
  • It works using automatically updated lists with blacklists, whitelists and categories.
  • Content monitoring of web traffic for malware, viruses and other cyber threats.
  • Scans all downloads, even in zip files, for any malware.
  • Monitors webmail: for example, a user checking their private mailbox.
  • ...

» More info about Web Content Scanning

4. Complete email security 

AXS Guard and your own email system, such as Microsoft365, work perfectly together to form one powerful and optimally configured system for secure email.  Free of viruses, spam, malware, phishing, etc.

  • So first have your email verified by the AXS Guard email content filters.
  • Put an additional security defence layer into action that is transparent to users. 
  • Enforce email policies. (who may receive what / who may send what)
  • Block email attachments by extension (e.g. no .exe or .zip files)
  • Create reports on email usage in the context of GDPR.
  • You can easily check why certain emails are not received or sent.
  • Keep a complete and (automatically) exportable overview of all emails received and sent.
  • ...

» More info about Email Content Scanning

Configuration Microsoft365 & AXS Guard » 

Image zero-trust strategie

What is a zero-trust strategy?

The basis of the Premium Threat Protection Pack is its zero-trust strategy. We do not trust anything or anyone. And certainly not if the traffic comes to the company via the internet.

The focus is primarily on preventing problems. We block all potentially dangerous traffic and give it no chance to enter your network. 

Automatic & always up-to-date

AXS Guard automatically updates all Premium Threat Protection modules and files.

By mutually and anonymously exchanging information, all AXS Guards also work together via AXS Guard Cloud to provide all customers with maximum protection and performance.

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